Making sure that potential customers understand what you are offering is critical.

Use video to educate your visitors.

Because people respond and remember visual things more easily than text or images on their own, a video is a powerful and memorable tool. A video can explain how something works, its main features and benefits and how it’s going to solve a problem for your customer.

Exploring Birkhill Castle in Fife.

The film surpassed our expectations.

59% of senior executives would rather watch a video than read text.

After 72 hours your visitors will only remember 10% of what they’ve read or heard. However if they watch a video they’ll remember 68%.

Demonstrate a Product

Having the ability to actually show the viewer how your product works, its size, shape, colour and features is wonderful. While presenting your product you are able to answer lots of questions that they may have and put their mind at ease. All of which gives them the confidence to buy.

Explain a Service

Being able to describe a service to a potential customer can be difficult. It may have multiple features or be complicated and takes a little while to get your head around. With a video you can use a great number of visual techniques to explain your service in simple terms.

Solve a Problem

People love it when you solve a problem for them. Your videos should explain what makes your product or service different and how it is going to help them.

Share Your Expertise

While giving away your secrets may not sound like a great business idea, sharing your expertise will build your reputation as someone who knows what they’re talking about. As a result visitors will have more confidence in what you do and become customers.


Making sure that your training message is consistent and doesn’t have your employees groaning at the mention of it, is something that is much easier with video. Important themes and messages can be put across using a variety of creative techniques to ensure that the information is understood and remembered.

Make Your Message Clear

Putting your message in a video is a brilliant way to attract and engage with new people.